Im Pretty Much Loving Life(:

The Grecos. I got to know Michelle at girls camp and we have been best friends ever sence. I seriously LOVE Michelle she is AMAZING!! I can count on her for anything and We have so much fun together. I love playing night games at her house they are so much fun! Fugative is my favorite(: Natalee is her older sister she just turned 17 and me and Michelle blew up 350 Balloons and filled her room it was CRAZY!! We had alot of fun though(:


We had so much fun at Bear Lake this year. Kylie and Jayden came it was soooo much fun(: We were always on the couch.. It was sooo comfortable! lol I taught Kylie and Jayden how to wakeboard and Im pretty sure Jayden tried the sky ski(: We had fun looking for clay and we had alot of fun just swimming(:

Jayden is AMAZING she has seriously been the one who keeps me going. She is a very good listener and She is always there for you when you need her. Jayden has taught me that everything happens for a reason and that the lord is ALWAYS there for you. "Little Wee One" has a very big personality. She is so funny!! I have had so much fun getting to know her this summer. She came to Bear Lake with us this summer it was so much fun!

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